Friday, July 3, 2009

Become Like Little Children

There are a few different passages of scripture found in the Bible and Book of Mormon that instruct us to become like little children. These passages no doubt have been discussed and analyzed multiple times through out world history. The debate regarding the correct interpretation of the true meaning to "become as a little child" will definitely never cease. There is the obvious answers given such as the innocence of a child, submitting to the will of the father, and obedience that are all logical answers on how one becomes as a little child.

The other side of the debate that some people struggle with is why anyone would want to become as a child. They are limited in their abilities, they are weak, and unable to provide for themselves.

I have never been one to debate the latter of the two positions, I think there are so many amazing qualities that children innately possess that we as adult should try and emulate.

Two weeks ago my Heavenly Father decided to teach me more about this concept through a small quiet moment which I shall never forget.

We had traveled to Utah from Oregon as a family for a summer/work/visit family trip. We had a wonderful time, outside of the car ride that took 13 hours with four small children. On our final night in Utah I began to help my wife pack up our things and get ready for the next days travel.

Feelings of anxiousness and worry that are often associated with travel began to rush over my body. I started think about the long drive, whether we had everything packed, the cost of our entire trip, and the pile of work that was sure to be on my desk from my absence. I sat down on the couch just outside our bedroom and took a deep breath, it was then that Heavenly Father took the time to teach me a valuable lesson.

Sitting just inside the doorway of our bedroom was my third child Samantha, she was contently playing with a new toy given to her by my sister. As I watched her play with this toy I could see in her body language that she literally had no care in the world. There was no worrying look upon her face, no concern about the mornings drive back home, she was content and at peace just playing by herself on the floor. I marveled at this sight for a few minutes, I tried to think about the last time I didn't worry about anything and was just content and at peace with life.

How was it that she was able to be so calm? My wife and I have always worked are hardest to make our children feel loved and safe. We have always provided them with food on the table and a roof over their heads. We have always been there for them in their times of need. Samantha was able to sit there that night because she knew that we would protect her and make sure she would make it home safely. She had entrusted her faith in us that we would do that for her. Ultimately that was the reason she was at peace because she had faith in us.

The spirit then whispered to me, "do you have faith in Heavenly Father?" That one question that ran across my mind hit me so profoundly. Did I have faith in my Heavenly Father? Couldn't I be as my little child and believe that if I did everything that God had asked of me that He in turn would watch over and protect me. If only my faith could be as strong as that of my child, unwavering and without doubt.

I hope to look up at my Father in Heaven just as my child looks at me, through eyes of faith, trust, and belief. I am so grateful that I have a Heavenly Father who continually teaches me through small miraculous moments that help shape me into what he see that I can become.

"becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."---Mosiah 3:19