Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life's Kite Strings

I recently read a short story about a young boy and his father flying a kite. The boy stood amazed as the kite soared higher and higher, with each gust of wind the kite ascended toward the clouds. Finally, the kite had reached the end of the line not allowing the kite to rise any higher than it currently found itself.

The boy cried to his Father, "Let's cut the line so the kite can soar higher!" The Father replied. "If we cut the line the kite will surely fall." "No it won't, the line is keeping it from going as high as it possibly could" replied the boy.

The Father being wise and seeing this as a teaching moment for his son pulled out his pocket knife and followed the eager promptings of his son. The moment the the line was cut the kite immediately plummeted to the ground. The boy couldn't understand why the kite didn't soar, why did the string of line make all the difference?
Just as in life we find a parallel to story of the kite. Mine came during my teenage years. My best friend grew up across the street, from the time we were in diapers it seemed as though we were inseparable. Bike riding, baseball, basketball, playing war, and building dams in the Oregon mud all seemed to be normal rituals for us as kids. But, as we grew older and approached adulthood or paths seemed to go in different directions.

Being raised LDS I was taught early to follow a set of morals called the words of wisdom and the law of chastity. This meant I abstained from the use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and did not view pornography or participate in premarital sex.

Most of these activities are quite common among high school aged kids. More and more I would hear from friends at school the question "why?" Why couldn't I come to parties? Why couldn't I just have a beer? Why couldn't I watch a bad movie? Why couldn't I finally lose my virginity? WHY? WHY? WHY?

Being young and impressionable these questions began to dominate my thoughts and I too began to question WHY?

Just as the Father had done in the short story, my Father in Heaven knew it was time to teach me "why".

One night while watching tv with my family the phone rang, it was my friend from across the street. He asked if we could talk, he normally wouldn't begin a conversation like that so I knew it was serious. I quickly excused myself and retreated to the privacy of my room. I could tell in my friend's voice that something was wrong.

"What's going on?" I asked. "My girlfriend just called me, she's missed her period!" he replied. "Missed her period, what does that mean?" I asked. "There is a chance, she might be pregnant" he replied. There was a moment of silence between the two of us that seemed to last for an eternity. What was I suppose to say to him? What was the appropriate answer to help him? I took a deep breath and told him "What ever happens I will help you in anyway possible." That was I could think of to tell him, to let him know no matter what situation he found himself in I would be there to help.

We spoke for over an hour and every concern he ever had about having sex with different girls from school came out. He told me he constantly worried about pregnancies, std's, and being caught by a parent. For that brief moment of pleasure an enormous amount of grief followed.

After hanging up the phone, I sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling for a few moments. Then as if the flood gates were opened the spirit rushed over me and I obtained the answers to "WHY".

Never once had I found myself in the position my friend was now having to face. Never once did I retire to bed fearful of an unplanned pregnancy or contracting an STD. Never once did I worry about an overdose on a drug, or driving home drunk after a party.

The commandments that were given to me from Heavenly Father weren't restrictive or constraining, they gave me freedom and peace. I could obtain happiness by following what was asked of me from God. He doesn't give us commandments and guidance to make us miserable in life, He gives them to us to bring us joy and security from all of life's entrapments.

Sitting on the end of my bed as a teenager I marveled as my once cloudy thoughts had become clear. I had gained a new perspective on life through this one single experience. I wasn't tied down by the commandments, I was lifted up and made free.

The commandments were my kite strings in life that allowed me to soar and reach for the Heavens.

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